ワークショップ開催のお知らせ(10月7日(月)16:10-18:00 @伊藤国際学術研究センター)

Workshop on Sustainability Challenges in Agriculture Production: Insights from Coffee, Palm Oil and Rice

In this workshop we will have practitioners and researchers come together to share their experience and insights about the sustainability in palm oil, coffee and rice. Practitioners will explain the initiatives of their organizations- 4C and Wild Asia – for driving and assessing sustainability in the coffee and palm oil sector. Moreover, researchers from the Center for Global Commons / Institute For Future Initiatives will present their research. The workshop aims to steer a dialogue about the challenges and possibilities for sustainable transformation in coffee, palm oil and rice sectors.

Organizer: Prof. Yuya Kajikawa
Center for Global Commons / Institute for Future Initiatives, The University of Tokyo

Date & Time : Monday, October 7th 2024 |16:10 – 18:00
Venue: Hybrid
For in-person participants: Ito International Research Center building, 3rd Floor, Seminar Room (“中教室” in Japanese), Hongo campus, The University of Tokyo [Access info] [Google Map]
For online participants: Zoom link will be sent after registration
Language: English
Registration: please register here for in-person or on-line participation by October 3rd 2024
Program: here
For inquiries, contact sadreghazi@ifi.u-tokyo.ac.jp

16:10 – 16:15Welcome note and introductionYuya Kajikawa
Professor, CGC/IFI, UTokyo
16:15 – 16:35Wild Asia program for regenerative agriculture and smallholder inclusion in Palm Oil sector (https://oilpalm.wildasia.org/spiral/)Reza Azmi
Executive Director and Founder, Wild Asia
16:35 – 16:50New coffee carbon footprint program of 4C (www.4C-services.org)Kedar Nepal
Sustainability Manager, 4C
16:50 -17:10Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for Coffee and Palm OilLeticia dos Muchangos
Project Assistant professor, CGC/IFI, UTokyo
17:10 -17:30Sustainable Rice projects in JapanFanya Qin
Project researcher, CGC/IFI, UTokyo
17:30 – 18:00Wrap-up and Q&AAll presenters
Facilitator: Shuan Sadreghazi (CGC/IFI-UTokyo)

