A research paper from Prof. Naoko Ishii’s group and Prof. Yasunori Kikuchi was published in “Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan”

While the chemical industry provides a wide range of products, such as plastics, which support our modern life, it directly and indirectly poses threats to the Planetary Boundaries (such as greenhouse gas emissions, microplastics, and nitrogen and phosphorus runoff).

This paper presents several quantitative pathways for the Japanese chemical industry to transition to net-zero GHG emissions while respecting the Planetary Boundaries. It also presents approaches necessary to achieve this goal, along with key elements in business strategy. These approaches could also apply to chemical industries in other countries and regions with similar constraints.

Paper Title
Scope 1, 2, and 3 Net Zero Pathways for the Chemical Industry in Japan

Daisuke Kanazawa, Andreas Wagner, Alexandre B. Kremer, Jane J. Leung, Shajeeshan Lingeswaran, Peter Goult, Sophie Herrmann, Naoko Ishii, Yasunori Kikuchi

Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/00219592.2024.2360900

Daisuke Kanazawa
Collaborative Researcher, Institute for Future Initiatives, Center for Global Commons

Jul 9th, 2024
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