Achieving Net-Zero by 2050

~ Charting pathways to contribute to global issues ~

In order for Japan to achieve decarbonization (net zero greenhouse gas emissions), a drastic change in the socio-economic system built upon broad discussions is necessary. Japanese companies and the University of Tokyo’s Center for Global Commons launched the ETI-CGC (Energy Transition Initiative – Center for Global Commons) on November 5, 2021, as a platform of industry-academia collaboration to develop Japan’s pathways to achieve decarburization.

The ETI-CGC is driven by the following five principles:

  1. We will safeguard the sustainability of our environment, the Global Commons. To this end, we will chart pathways to reduce Japan’s greenhouse gas emissions to net-zero by 2050.
  2. Capitalizing on findings and scientific insights across the world and in Japan, we will study pathways compatible with local circumstances in order to achieve carbon neutrality, while safeguarding well-being and wealth.
  3. With these pathways, we aim to become an international model case for countries with unique local circumstances and subsequently make contributions to the carbon neutrality of the entire world.
  4. We will consider the implementation of the pathways an opportunity to transform Japan’s industrial structure and economic/social system as well as our behavioral pattern towards the future. We will also discuss how we can take advantage of this opportunity.
  5. We will make policy proposals and take a leadership role in stimulating discussions on a broader basis.


We have published Net Zero Japan 2050 ―Summary for Business Leaders― Interim Report on Decarbonization Scenarios for 2050.


Video of the COP28 event

”Challenges and Recommendations for Japan’s Net Zero by 2050 ― Energy System Perspective ―‶ is now available.

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