GCS Initiative

Global Commons Stewardship Initiative

The Global Commons Stewardship (GCS) Initiative aims to present and promote the implementation of pathways and tools for socioeconomic system transformation, with the goal of building a sustainable human society within the framework of Planetary Boundaries. Specifically, the Initiative is developing an Index to measure the extent and increase or decrease of the environmental impact of each country on the Global Commons, Modeling the pathway for socioeconomic system transformation for sustainable human society, and Monitoring of the progress of necessary system transformations by the middle of this century. And Framing, which integrates these four workstreams to envision a viable strategic framework for stewarding the Global Commons, and Data (cyberspace) workstream which is one of the foundations supporting the GCS Initiative.
In each of the workstreams of the GCS Initiative, CGC is working closely with international partners.

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Global Commmons Stwardship Framework


Global Commons Stewardship Framework

A framework to safeguard the Global Commons organized around four systems to be transformed with four commons threads of enablers or action levers to ignite systems transformation. While safeguarding the Global Commons requires a comprehensive approach by combination of stakeholders from various background, we also present an action agenda tailored to governments, business, finance, civil society and international organizations.


Global Commons Stewardship Index

The Global Commons Stewardship Index, compiled by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), the Yale Center for Environmental Law & Policy, and the Center for Global Commons at the University of Tokyo, highlights how countries positively or negatively contribute to safeguarding the Global Commons. In particular, rich countries exert unsustainable pressure on the Global Commons through their domestic resource impacts. They also generate large international spillovers on other countries, such as deforestation embodied into unsustainable food supply chains, that undermine Global Commons Stewardship. In absolute terms G20 countries bear a special responsibility to accelerate the transformation towards sustainable consumption and production systems.

■ Related links

Global Commons Stewardship Index 2022

Global Commons Stewardship Index 2021: Public Consultation

[Short movie] Development of the Global Commons Stewardship Index

Introduction of Global Commons Stewardship Index in a book published by OECD

Report on the pilot version of the Global Commons Stewardship Index (GCSi) was released


Global Commons Stewardship Modelling of transformation pathways

The Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and the Earth Commission are undertaking interdisciplinary modelling of transformation pathways that allow humanity to stay within planetary boundaries and achieve the SDGs by 2030, 2050 and beyond. While existing modelling and resulting pathways largely focus on achieving a given climate stabilization target, this work will capture the interactions across the four transformations and two Global Commons Domains, the climate system and the land biosphere.


Systems Change Lab

The Systems Change Lab sponsored by the World Resources Institute (WRI) tracks progress in implementing transformations, as well as enablers of change. Their State of Climate Action 2021 report assesses progress towards transformational change needed to limit warming to 1.5°C, which are aligned with many of the systems transformations identified here.12 It reveals that the transitions required to avoid the worst climate impacts are not happening fast enough. Of the 40 indicators assessed, none is on track to reach the 2030 targets. Change is heading in the right direction at a promising but insufficient speed for eight; and in the right direction but well below the required pace for 17. The remaining transformations are either stalled, heading in the wrong direction or lacking data. The report also identifies underlying conditions that enable change: supportive policies, innovations, strong institutions, leadership and shifts in social norms. For example, annual increases in finance for climate action must accelerate 13-fold to meet the estimated need in 2030.

■ Related links

STATE OF CLIMATE ACTION 2021 Systems Transformations Required to Limit Global Warming to 1.5°C

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