New research report on pathways and strategies to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions for the Japanese chemical industry released
This research report integrates both academic and industrial perspectives, and considers sustainability challenges beyond climate change, such as plastic pollution. The findings may also be applicable to other countries with limited renewable resources.
In 2022, the Center for Global Commons and Systemiq proposed pathways to achieve net zero for the global chemical industry. Today, we are launching a new report that outlines specific pathways to net zero for the Japanese chemical industry, addressing scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions*1. This report integrates insights from recent academic studies*2 and Japan-specific industry information, aiming to act as a bridge between the present state of Japan’s chemical industry and a desirable future.
Project page
The role of the chemical industry in safeguarding the Global Commons
- Full report “Planet Positive Chemicals in Japan: Unlocking new roles of the Japanese chemical industry in achieving scope 1–3 net zero and safeguarding the Global Commons” (PDF, 5 MB)
- One-page summary (PDF, 3MB)
*1 Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions are defined by the GHG Protocol.
*2 Kanazawa D. et al., Scope 1, 2, and 3 Net Zero Pathways for the Chemical Industry in Japan, Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 57, 2360900 (2024),