Systems Change Lab published “State of Climate Action 2023”

WRI-Systems Change Lab, a valued partner institution within the CGC network, has just published its most recent report titled “State of Climate Action 2023.”
This report provides a comprehensive roadmap of what’s needed by 2030 and 2050 to limit warming to 1.5 degrees. The “State of Climate Action 2023” finds that in all sectors, recent progress isn’t happening at the pace and scale necessary to combat the climate crisis.  Only one of the 42 indicators — the share of electric vehicles in passenger car sales — is on track to reach its 2030 target.  The report also suggests that it is possible to reverse these worrying trends and accelerate change across multiple fronts at the same time and offers a guide for how decision-makers can allocate their limited time and resources to effectively tackle the climate crisis. 

Related links (External websites)
The State of Climate Action 2023  (the full report and detailed information are available)
Press release (issued by Systems Change Lab)
Tracking Climate Action: How the World Can Still Limit Warming to 1.5 Degrees C (Summary article)

Nov 17th, 2023
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